
Archive for November 29, 2011

To enable touchpad tap-on-click / two finger scroll in linux for laptop users

November 29, 2011 7 comments

Touchpad setup in Linux.

You may find your touchpad to be lacking some features such as two-finger scrolling or tap-to-click not working in Linux distros like Fedora, Ubuntu, Mint Linux in some cases.

By passing a couple of options to the Xorg touchpad driver, we can enable this functionality.

Try putting the following into a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf:

Open the ” /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf” file in a text editor in a super user or root mode.

Section "InputClass" 
      Identifier "touchpad catchall" 
      Driver "synaptics" 
      MatchIsTouchpad "on" 
      MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" 
      Option "HorizScrollDelta" "0" 
      Option "TapButton1" "1" 
      Option "TapButton2" "2" 
      Option "RBCornerButton" "3" 
      Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "1" 

This enabled two-finger scrolling, tap-to-click, scrolling on the edges and right mouse button triggering when tapping the lower right corner of the touchpad, making laptop much less frustrating to operate.


Path of xorg.conf.d may differ in new version – /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/

Screenshot from 2013-02-06 15:25:07

Open file using text editor with administrative privilege.

sudo gedit

Then open the file & add the section.

Screenshot from 2013-02-06 15:33:48

add The More Tag / Splitting Content / see only half blog on word press.

November 29, 2011 Leave a comment

Add Splitting Content / The More Tag / see only half blog on word press

You can truncate blog entries so that only the first part of certain posts is displayed on the home and archive views.
When you do this, a link will be placed directly after your excerpt, pointing the reader to the full content of the article.

Refer the help given below link

Categories: Technical

Automount ntfs (windows partition on boot / login ) – Mint 12 or Ubuntu 11.10

November 29, 2011 Leave a comment

NTFS partitions aren’t already permanently mounted. These default mounts are controlled by entries in the file-system table, a text file called fstab located at “/etc/fstab”.

To mount your NTFS partition permanently, add your version of the following line into the file system table, fstab.

Open “fstab” file from location using any editor like nano or vi or gedit in super user mode or with administrative privilege.

add the following to file,

/dev/device_name /path_to/mount_point ntfs-3g defaults 0 0

When you reboot, the partition will mount into the folder /path_to/mount_point with permissions drwxrwxrwx, i.e with read/write access for everybody.

The first string /dev/disk-by-id specifies the partition to be mounted by its ID code or You have the option to specify it by device (in this case sda1) instead of by the ID code.

example :

UUID=ata-WDC_WD5000BEVT /path_to/mount_point ntfs-3g defaults 0 0


/dev/device_name /path_to/mount_point ntfs-3g defaults 0 0

An example screen-shot as given below

This same is applicable for all distros.